Northern California Music Company is the Authorized Allen Representative for Northern California and Western Nevada. We have trusted technicians with over twenty-five years of experience that will be sure to keep your organ in exceptional working condition. Please contact us for questions regarding new and used Allen products. We will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you choose the organ that best fits your musical needs.
Allen Organ Service
Allen dependability is legendary. Backed by a ten-year parts warranty, Allen Organs require no periodic maintenance or tuning. In the unlikely event that an Allen requires service, it is performed by factory-trained Allen technicians. We stock a supply of spare parts on hand for service needs. The modular design found Allen products ensures quick and easy service, without the necessity for on-site soldering.

Customer Support
The relationship between Northern California Music Company and its customers doesn’t end when an instrument is installed. Allen’s long-term commitment to customer’s satisfaction continues years after the organ installation.